Monday 9 September 2013

Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The road not taken-Robert Frost

*cough,cough~ English literature is something that i'm not so fond of..but somehow it really
is annoying to have these hateful thing stuck in your mind. 
Of all those lingering around, there is this couple that i can't brush off. One, its the
Sonnets 18 by Shakespeare,simply because its bombastic arrangements, and the other is this
poem wrote by this person up there. 

Growing up, I believe most of us had done many things and sometimes deep down we wish
we had done something else. I always stuck if asked about my ambition..typically if you ask
kids around that time, most of us simply would like to become somebody who looks heroic,
lets say firemen, police and some wanted to become a soldier, the  feeling to protect the
nation. ~Okay thanks, Batman, Superman you've done a good job. 
So like everyone, i just pick one of those.

As we grew older, a lot of things happened. We experienced events such as expectations,
circumstances, emotions, and many other obstacles that finally changed our course in life. 

I was born in family with a strong ties to the government. Both my grandpa was a cop and
a headmaster, my dad was a teacher, so was my mother..and finally my big brother whose
also now working in one of the offices..
But me haha, i'm working my guts off as an Engineer. Its damn hard, but I took one
less traveled by~


Wednesday 17 July 2013

Random Thoughts~

No strings attached

Salam n hello there.Pardon me,a noob in the house here.

Hmm..where do i start? ahh yes..just like this post title implies there's really nothing much in it. Tetiba rasa nk try this whole "blogging" thingy hoho.

Like the kite up there, its just flying nonchalantly without any destination. Simply glide its way through the limitless sky and as Lenka said "just enjoy the show~"

Been trying to make a blog for quite few years now, but I just simply hadn't got any idea of what to write.
So goes nothing, my journey to the world of digital journalism.

#10th Of Ramadhan'13

Hi! Pleased to meet you